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Showing posts from April, 2023

British School Book: Real Geography; 1939 and 1959 Editions; with a Chapter by Blanche Rogers

  REAL GEOGRAPHY BOOK II by J. Fairgrieve, M.A. and Ernest Young B.Sc., FIRST EDITION, 1939. George Philip & Son, Limited, London To see Chapter IV "The Wheat Farmer", pages 30-38, about on the Rogers farm at Edgeley in 1939 edition, and a Leader Post article about the work.    CLICK HERE   REAL GEOGRAPHY BOOK II by J. Fairgrieve, M.A. and Ernest Young B.Sc.,  SEVENTH EDITION, 1959. George Philip & Son, Limited, London, E.C.4. Philip, Son & Nephew, Ltd.,, Liverpool, 1 To see Chapter IV "The Wheat Farmer", about the Rogers farm at Edgeley in 1959 edition and correspond between Blanche Rogers and the publisher  CLICK HERE

The Morin-D'Amours Photo Album, by Blanche Rogers. 37 pages

  Photos of the lives of Charles and Marie (D'Amours) Morin, their children, and some descendants.  Additional information, where available, can be seen by double clicking on an image and using the "i" option at the top right of the page. To see the 37 pages album  CLICK HERE

Of Years Gone By: Edgeley District 1898, by T.H. Bray, 35 pages

  Of Years Gone By: Edgeley District 1898, by T.H. Bray, 35 pages  CLICK HERE to see photos of the entire document. Transcribed text is available by double clicking on an image and using the "i" option at the top right of the page. CLICK HERE  to see transcribed text of the entire document in a Word Document. The following articles are included:  --- Glancing Back, by T.H. Bray --- Starr's Point S.D. #357. --- Fairview United Church by Lois Bell. --- My 72 Years in Saskatchewan, by H.A Fessant. --- Signs of Progress. --- The Prairie School, by Doreen Mireau. --- 1971 SNHS Summer Meet at Indian Head, by Rose McLaughlin and Mary Skinner. --- Edgeley School District No. 39 1886-1967 --- The Centennial , McLean, Saskatchewan by T.H. Bray --- T.H. Bray is Serving his 39th Year as Pool Secretary --- Milk Producers ---  Qu'Appelle CCF Pioneers Honored ---  The Qu'Appelle Progress 1952, Starr's Point Talks to Vibank ---  Letters to the Editor. The Qu'Appelle Pro

"Rogers and others" photo album, 57 pages

Wedding home and marriage of  James Rogers and Catherine Mattick 1906 Edgeley, Saskatchewan  "Rogers and others"  photo album, 57 pages, created by Blanche (Morin-D'Amours) Rogers around 1950, from an older album created by Catherine (Kit) Rogers.  The album was repaired and updated in 1990s by Blanche and friends Robert and Norma Ferguson   CLICK HERE  to see the album.